W. Bryan Blankenship

W. Bryan Blankenship

Operations Manager, Northern Region
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W. Bryan Blankenship

Operations Manager, Northern Region

With more than 25 years of experience in forestland management in various regions across the United States, Bryan Blankenship is currently leading the Northern Operations Group which manages quality hardwood timberland.  Bryan joined FIA in 1999 as a management forester.

Previous Experience

Before working for FIA, Bryan worked for Champion International.  He started managing hardwoods for Champion on the Cumberland Plateau then relocated to South Carolina where he managed predominantly pine ecosystems.

What is your business philosophy?

To manage the resource for the next generation while making sound economic decisions today.

Why did you choose this field / career path?

As a boy, I always enjoyed being outdoors and wanted a job where I was able to be in the woods.

What is one of the best lessons you’ve learned during your career?

Think about how the decisions I make will impact the next forester and/or landowner.

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way, you want them to treat you…” ” – Matthew 7:12


Bachelor of Forest Resources
University of Georgia, 1995


Society of American Foresters
Certified Forester
Registered Forester in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina


Investment Management Team
Risk Management Committee

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