Rough stones of various sizes placed compactly or irregularly on the ground surface to prevent scouring by water or debris.
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
Rough stones of various sizes placed compactly or irregularly on the ground surface to prevent scouring by water or debris.
4,226 acres
Maples, Hemlock, Fir, Beech
92,814 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
39,494 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
46,374 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
140,038 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
112,796 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
257,971 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
314,340 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
116,379 acres
Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock
78,454 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
32,690 acres
Oaks, Maples, Aspen, White Pine
132,114 acres
Loblolly Pine, Eucalyptus
139,338 acres
Maples, Oaks, Black Cherry
10,712 acres
Maples, Beech, Hemlock, White Pine
202,609 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods
144,108 acres
Radiata Pine, Eucalyptus
71,012 acres
Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock
155,479 acres
Southern Yellow Pine, Mixed Hardwoods